With conventional methods, such as single-family septic systems, only 10 to 40 percent of treatment occurs in the tank. If this untreated wastewater enters groundwater or waterways, it can cause a potential health hazard to the community. Conversely, advanced wastewater treatment systems, such as an MBR, can perform up to 99.9 present of the treatment directly in the tank.
Darnasus offers small purification units for decentralized treatment of wastewater from single houses or blocks. Those units can serve 2-20 people and produce clean recycled water. Our unit is a smaller version of the advanced biological treatment technology called MBR, which is used in municipal sewage stations.
Cleaned water can be used for irrigation or toilet flushing, saving money from your bill. Produced water will consistently meet the most strict quality standards.
Pool cleaning is major waste of money for a house budget. The wastewater generated from pool filters backwashing is prohibited to discharge directly to the environment or to the stormwater system or to the central sewage system, prior pre-treatment. Darnasus offer a package solution for treat and recycle your pool wastewater that produced from pool’s filters backwash. The solution is achieved by adding to MBR Home Technology a pool water purification unit.
Design, Finance, Build & Operate of innovated compact facilities for the treatment of aircraft sewage effluent.
Micro & Ultra Filtration,
Cartridge Filters, Sand Filters
Softeners, Water Chemicals,
UV Sterilization
Pumps, Control Panels
Pumping Stations
Water Storage in
Brackish & Sea Water Desalination
Onshore & Offshore Applications
Drinking or Process Water
Hotels, Resorts, Golf Courses
Compact Units
Small to Large Units
Membrane Bio Reactor
Treatment Units
Aircraft Sewage Waste
Water Treatment
Municipal Waste Water
Treatment Compact Units
Any Question at
+357 26 947 333
24 Neophytou Nicolaide
8011, Paphos
09:00 – 18:00
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